Sunday, 7 July 2013

Dot's garden

On Wednesday everybody but Michael went down the road to visit Monica's friend/half-neighbour Dot. She has an awesome garden. When we first got there Tassie her dog came up and licked us. She was super friendly. In Dot's back garden it was awesome as well and it had a swing that was wood with a long rope hanging from a high tree branch. We wondered how she got the rope in the tree up so high. Callum swung on it first but then I swung on it for ages, it was a lot of fun cos you went really high and then sometimes it came really close to the garden and the tree, and you could pick something if you wanted, but we didn't.

There was a hammock as well and I went on that as well, but then Dot said we could go and see her chickens so Tassie tried to get me off the hammock by trying to flip me off! There was a big chicken cage and we opened the gate and let the big chickens out and they ran around the garden. Some started looking for worms. Then we checked for eggs and we found two just-laid ones and one that had been there for a while. They were different colours.  Then we saw the younger chickens in a side bit that were goldeny brown. We picked them up and two sat on mine and Callum's laps. They felt soft but their claws felt sharp. Then I fed the big chickens out of my hand, and it kind of hurt when one chicken pecked, but the others didn't hurt when they pecked at my hand.

I went on the hammock, swing and trampoline til Mum called me to see Tassie do some tricks. She was cool, and she did what Dot said - she could do a high five, beg, roll over, wave goodbye, and once she played dead. I got to give her commands and I got her to do play dead the one time, but she did roll over and beg instead. I had treats to give her every time she did something. We put a treat on her nose and then she tried to flick it up in the air and eat it, but she only managed to do that a couple of times, but otherwise we just gave her a treat for trying. It was on the ground then. Tassie is beautiful. I want a dog more than anybody. Thanks Dot!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you enjoyed Dots' garden along with her animals. Dot is a very special friend to me. I think I know someone else who would love to have a dog as much as you do...Graham!
    Missing you all, love Aunt Monica
